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I’ll get out of your way now, so you can roam.

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Who Is Rae Lamar?


Though she’s been writing most of her life, actually becoming a novelist had always been somewhat of a pipe dream for Rae Lamar.

Rae graduated college and landed her first job as a contract editor, eventually settling into a comfortable role as a corporate learning and development professional. Life was good, but that creative writing bug never quite let her go. Shortly after, Rae pursued her creative side, enrolling in a writing workshop hoping to “find her voice.” Not only did she find it, but she also made up her mind to finish what she’d started…and five years later, UNLIKE ME  was born.

Today, Rae Lamar is smiling and writing as often as she can. She currently resides in suburban Atlanta, maintaining her nine-to-five grind as a consultant and steadily working on her next novel.

On a perfect day, Rae can be found lounging on the top-floor balcony of a swanky, ocean-front resort with a book in her hands and comfort food at her fingertips.  (SN: She rarely has perfect days.)


I don’t always read in public but when I do…

The Reviews Are In!

“Lamar has a talent for incorporating humor to talk about real issues. I would recommend Blur to anyone wanting to read a funny and heart-warming story about genuine love between friends who become lovers. This is the third book I’ve read by this author and her writing keeps getting better. After reading Blur, the one thing clear to me is Rae Lamar is easily turning into one of my favorite authors to read.”

~ Michelle, Reader ~

“This was my first time reading any of Rae’s books and my mind is blown away. Absolutely a breath of fresh air. What a journey between these two. (Aris and Luke) I really loved the development between the characters and the sense of humor that this author has. These characters had real life situations that happens to alot of couples. I was happy to be able to go on the journey with them. Can’t wait to see what is next from Rae.”

~ Devin, Reader ~

“Rae Lamar is quickly becoming one of my writing favs. If you haven’t had a chance to check out her work, sleep on her no longer. She is a talented author that rewards her readers with a dope story with characters that display so much chemistry that you feel like you’re actually a part of the story.”

~ Tina, Reader ~

“I was skeptical. I admit. I reviewed the synopsis (of 22) and I thought this was another Terry McMillan spin off or something to that effect. I was definitely impressed. Not only with the plot but with the writing of the book as well.”

~ Autumn, Blogger for Sensuality by Autumn ~

Somewhere In Between by Rae Lamar delivers realistic situations filled with questionable choices from the characters point of view. Realistic storylines? For sure. Realistic ending? Most definitely but remember – the author is keeping it real. The author will have the reader relating to one of these characters and questioning the choices that they have made in their own lives.”

~ Driven Divas’ Book Club ~

Find out what other Readers, Book Clubs & Critics are saying about Rae’s novels.

Rae’s Confessions

(Author Spotlight Series – OOSA Online Book Club)spac

OOSA: How do you spend your free time?
RAE: Reading, catching up on my tv shows…but mostly sleeping. Ten hours is nothing for me if I have the time and opportunity…I sleep like the dead!

OOSA: What is one thing every woman should have in her purse?
RAE: Cash.

OOSA: What cartoon character best describes you?
RAE: Good one! Jeanette Miller of The Chipettes is the first character that comes to mind right now…yeah, that works.

OOSA: What is one movie or book you did not like that everyone seemed to love?
RAE: Twilight…“hated it!” (in my Blaine/Antoine voice. lol)

OOSA: Are you a morning or night person?
RAE: Night. Mornings are evil.

OOSA: What is the last thing you do every night before going to bed?
RAE: Take a sip of juice. Preferably cran-apple, grape or orange. I keep it stocked in the mini-fridge in the corner of my bedroom.

OOSA: What is your favorite thing about winter?
RAE: Boots!

OOSA: Receipts – keep them or throw them away?
RAE: Keep them. I’m the Queen of Returns & Exchanges.

OOSA: If you had your own TV network what would you put on it?
RAE: An equal measure of dramas, comedies and satirical news with a dash of NFL and a sprinkle of ratchet-reality.

OOSA: If I could go back and talk to the 18-year-old me, I’d tell myself:
RAE: Last year’s winning numbers for that $600M+ Mega Millions jackpot in March and the $500M+ Powerball jackpot in November…then, I’d tell myself to learn at least seven languages, to stop worrying about what others think because people are overrated and to keep my eyes open because soul mates are real.space

For more Q&A With Rae, check out Confessions.